Coaching Testimonials:
Coaching & Adventure Testimonials:

There is no way I will ever forget this experience. Jake has led me on multiple adventures that have tested my limits and made me a better person... - Lindsey S.
“I had a great time and am looking forward to future excursions w/ Natural Highs. I just got to recovery... I’m only on my 3rd day here [in treatment] and my spirits were waning. The walk outside in nature not only lifted my spirits but I feel like it brought us as a new group closer together, which are both integral parts of recovery. Thank you Natural Highs!” - Anonymous 1

“ If you are looking to dive deeper into your self... Jake can help you look at those areas of life that may be missed… I really love how attentive he is to listening to you and coming back with clear communication and potential direction on how to move next. I notice that he pays very close attention in ways that others may over look. I had some breakthroughs on areas of my life and have come to realize that I can be complete even if I still have more to do at the end of the day. My experience with Jacob was super amazing and highly valuable! ” - Tristen H.
“It was super fun and very needed! Our mentor Jake was amazing. I’d love to go on bigger hikes!” - Anonymous 2

“I enjoyed myself very much at Erica's workout class!” - Anonymous 3
"I had an absolutely unforgettable experience with Natural Highs guiding services! Jake was able to take me all the way from learning to build a simple top roping system during our introductory lesson to successfully completing my first multi-pitch expedition of over 600 feet during our last lesson. If you choose to take advantage of any rock climbing service that is provided by this company, I personally guarantee that you will be extremely satisfied!" - Daniel B.

“Awesome! Getting outdoors allowed me to open my mind & clear out old thoughts. It’s so invigorating to feel the ocean air on my face. Thank You!” - Nick
"Going climbing with Jake was awesome! I'd gone climbing outside a few times prior, and my experience with Jacob Yoder was by far the best. He was very informational, and showed us the strategy behind everything he did... We learned a lot, and the experienced was very personalized and flexible." - Jonah M.

"Jake's greatest asset is his genuine curiosity and present-mindedness when talking to anyone... He actually cares about what people have to say" ... Varun Gopinath
Jake led my wife, my friend Adam, and I up to the summit of the Grand Teton in Wyoming, making sure that we summited safely as well as reached our base camp all in one piece. This required skills in logistical planning, communication, orienteering, general mountaineering, and maintaining a positive mindset when the going got tough. As I was an inexperienced climber there were times where Jake aided me when overcoming mental barriers... his positive level headedness helped guide me through an unforgettable experience that tested the core of my mental and physical capabilities. - Varun G.
“Looking back, I can't Imagine having such profound internal discoveries had it not been for Jake, Lindsey, and Varun...
This wild and beautiful moment challenged me to believe I am capable of so much more. And now as I carry these lessons with me, if I find myself thinking something is mentally or physically draining, I look back to that day and I can't help but crack a smile.” - Adam C.